Steve Kass, a former radio talk-show host and Gov. Carcieri's director of communications, is now the spokesman for the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency. The current director makes about $47,000 but Gov. Carcieri, making sure his "boys and cronies" get the big bucks is paying Kass $126,541. How embarrassing for anyone other than Carcieri is that? Kass will be making more than the about-to-be-appointed Director of the Rhode Island Emergency Agency to whom Kass will report.
So, let's get this straight: Gov. Carcieri gives tax cuts to RI's top 500 richest citizens and high paying jobs that usually pay much less to his cronies while at the same time cutting all the state's social services to the lower and middle classes and Carcieri also cuts the jobs of hundreds of state employees and then threatens their pensions as well.
Too bad ENRON went under. After destroying this state, with his management record in Rhode Island, Carcieri certainly could be hired as the new Ken Lay.
Kass was the host for RI Public Television's Lively Experiment and also served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Rhode Island PSC Dept. Kass' radio and television programs usually talk about corruption and public ethics and the lack thereof in Rhode Island state government. LOL.